Nov 5, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
Wedding Vows At times, (when couples plan to tie the know for a second time and/or there maybe children involved), I am asked: “Rudy, can you provide us with some meaningful, wedding vows that we can incorporate into our wedding ceremony?” Following some...
Oct 25, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
What is the perfect wedding gift? Many couples have a list of items they’d like to receive for their wedding, hoping that it will also include that perfect wedding gift. Yet, I want to suggest to you the perfect wedding gift that will last a life-time. Treat...
Oct 24, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
Blessing of the hands This is a beautiful reading, perfect for your marriage ceremony as you pledge your vows to each other. I do not know the Author. I hope you like it as much as I do. Hands I’ve never given much thought to my hands and what they’ve done...
Oct 24, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
Secrets for a successful marriage Next year I’ll be married to my sweetheart Anneke for 50 years. I thought to share some principles that maybe helpful in your marriage Don’t take yourself too serious. Humour is one of the secrets of a happy and enduring marriage....
Oct 24, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
Winter weddings Sometimes winter wedding ceremonies get a ‘unfair’ rap. Negative comments about weather, venues (outside) etc. Yet winter weddings do have some great positives. Venues are often less expensive in the winter. With winter weddings you’re...
Oct 23, 2021 | Durham Wedding Blog - Officiant - Rev. Rudy Heezen
Brides and Grooms should not have to share their wedding day. Most if not all Wedding Officiants accept more than one wedding per day. Typically two or three are the industry norm. Of course this can create significant headaches. For example, if the start of your...