Getting married during COVID – 19
Many couples wish to get legally married and have their BIG wedding after the pandemic.
If that’s you – then you’ve come to the right place. I call it: you can say ‘I do’ from 6 feet apart 😊
I offer small intimate ceremonies – with some restrictions – (see pricing page for details) or you can simply opt for legalities only.
Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth process.
COVID 19: Getting married? The City/Town Clerk’s Office will assist you with getting a marriage licence.
An appointment is required when applying for a marriage licence (so call or go on-line)
If you have the required identification and applicable documents it will take approximately 15 minutes to process your application and issue the licence.
Each person applying for the marriage licence must provide 2 pieces of acceptable government issued identification (ID) from the list below:
- Identification must be valid and original (not accepted are photocopies, scanned images or pictures on electronic devices).
- Identification must provide your legal name and date of birth.
- Your first and last names must match on the two pieces of ID that are presenting.
- To have your middle name(s) included on your marriage licence it must also appear on both pieces of ID.
- ID on the list can be from any country, as long as it is government issued.
- If the ID is not in English, a written translation from a certified translator is required.
- Health cards and S.I.N. cards will not be accepted.
- Expired identification will not be accepted.
Acceptable identification
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Driver’s Licence
- Ontario Photo Card (Purple photo ID card)
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Canadian Citizenship Card)
- Canadian Government Refugee Travel Document
- Conditional Release Identification Card
- United States Green Card
- Native Status Card
- Record of Immigration Landing
- Confirmation of Permanent Residency
- Permanent Residency Card
- Citizenship Card
- Identity Card
- Nexus Card
- Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)
- Possession & Acquisition Licence (PAL)
Marriage Licenses issued by Appointment Only
You must submit your marriage licence application online before booking an appointment.
The name on the application must be the same as the name on the appointment booking.
Once you have submitted your application online you will be given an application number.
This number is required when booking your appointment.
Please contact me to book your appointment!!