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Valentine’s Day Wedding Proposal

If you’re planning to ‘pop the big question’ during next year’s Valentine, you’ll be in good company.

Many couples intending to get married propose on Valentine’s day

And it makes for a compelling case:

It makes for the perfect time to propose with the aroma of romance in the air.  Yet, as simple is sounds, preparations and ideas for your marriage proposal can be complicated.

You know your bride-to-be, loves to have a story to share that will let everyone know how romantic her future husband is.

Here are some tips for the perfect setting to propose to your future bride and show how much she means to you.

1. If she comes from a traditional family, asking for her hand in marriage may still be appropriate. It shows respect to your future in-laws, while at the same time when making this effort, you will receive their respect and receive their blessings on your marriage.

2. You’ve probably witnessed those awful moments when a someone proposes on national TV or YouTube …and the answer turns out to be NO! It may seem impossible for you to imagine, but before you go public with a marriage proposal, make sure you are reading the signals and that the answer will be a Big smile together with big YES!

3. Prepare ahead of time and making sure your sweetheart will be available for your surprise (not working, business trip, etc.). Proposing to someone over a romantic dinner is difficult to do, since other people will be around. But with a bit of planning and perhaps with the assistance of the Manager of the restaurant is can be done.

4. There are many, many couples getting engaged on Valentine’s day but you are special to your sweetheart and when you propose, it should be a reflection of who you are as a couple. Do NOT imitate the frivolous, empty, Hollywood stuff.

5. Make reservations at the restaurant where you had your first dinner together

6. Write a love poem.

7. Hide the engagement ring in the dessert or arrange with the restaurant something unique.

8. If this is a Valentine proposal and since it has the number 14, stop at your local jeweler (where you purchased the Engagement Ring), and ask him/her for 14 ring boxes to hold your love notes. Make the 14th box the real engagement ring.

– 14 crayon boxes can hold notes telling your love and that she adds colour to your world;
– 14 candy boxes telling her how sweet she is;
– 14 balloons filled with love notes or flower petals make an unusual bouquet
– come up with your own version to tell your special love what she means to you.

9. If you are a couple who likes simple things – keep your marriage proposal simple. A quiet get away, snuggling in front of a warm fire… You on one knee telling her how much she means to you and that you want her to be in your life forever as your wife… now, that’s romantic!

Bottom Line

Proposing doesn’t have to be elaborate in order to be romantic. As long as you find a way to tell her what she means to you and that you love her enough to ask her to marry you and spend the rest of your lives together… your marriage proposal will be a special memory forever…

Have a wonderful Valentine.

Have a wonder-filled Engagement

Have a wonder-filled Wedding

Rev. Rudy H. Heezen

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